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TSCM (Technical Security Counter Measures)

Technical Security Counter Measures

Personal, emotional, and financial damage caused by a security breach can be devastating. For organisations it can have a serious impact on your reputation, your share price, your profits and your employees. A professional “sweep” can help limit the possibilities of such a scenario.

As each and every client is unique and possesses different threats and risks to their business or organisation our TSCM experts will compile a full and comprehensive TSCM report on your home, property or company’s existing security practices and where necessary make recommendations to enhance your level of security.

FSH Consulting provides expert technical, analytical and research capability for the detection, nullification, and isolation of eavesdropping devices, technical surveillance penetrations, technical surveillance hazards, and physical security weaknesses.

Not knowing and understanding your vulnerabilities can have a swift and lasting effect on your business or home environment.

With our team’s vast experience and background, we will deliver the results and efforts will be based on a solid, factual foundation that will be delivered in a clear, concise and legal means.

Call now to arrange a consultation:
+353 (0)1 5346981 / +353 (86) 8333241
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